Gulf Tech is a service provider which is located in Kochi, Kerala. Gulf tech offers services for all your needs. If you need any services or repair for your electronic items, Gulf Tech Service will be at your doorstep. We offer services for all your electronic, electrical, Mechanical and other services like plumbing and car AC repair at your home and Office. We are sure that, If we can't rectify your problems, no one will do it.

Technical and Vocational Education plays a vital role in human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the quality of life.

The Gulf Tech institute is born out of the vision of a group of industry experts committed to the empowerment of youth in India by providing 100% job oriented courses. The courses offered by the institute is certified by CTDS.

The field of HVAC i.e., heating, ventilation, and air conditioning is the science and practice of controlling indoor climate to provide healthy and comfortable interior conditions. HVAC system, simultaneously control the temperature, humidity, purity, air distribution and noise in the interior spaces of the building..

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Gulf tech Institute launching Ceremony

Gulf tech Institute launched 26th januvary 2018.

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Gulf Tech Institute

Reg.Office & Workshop , Thaikavu jn , Vennala , kochi-28

0484-2803737 | 8943777077 | 8943111311 | 8943111411

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